Inktober 2016

Click here for getting redirected to the album. Inktober is an initiative started in 2009 by Mr. Jake Parker. It's a art challenge for artists worldwide to finish 31 drawing made by 'ink' for 31 days of October. For more information visit their website I on personal level got to know about it through Mary Doodles, famous Youtuber and a very big inspiration to me. Starting was pretty good. Although I do cheated by using colours when it should have been all proper black & white Ink made art pieces. Mine were clearly splash of color and amateur digital work. I didn't even followed a theme as well. Anything that came to my mind, something I saw, something I remembered it was over the page. My parents for the first time in my life supported and kinda tolerated my everyday art making. Even though I had my final practicals due in between some days. Besides that if you wanna ask any question related to how I draw and write & stuff just ...