
Showing posts from June, 2016


Flawed turned flawless. Heart began pumping. As Fate met solace. Precocious got developing. Thought art, poetry & chaos combined, A cocktail gets made as I defined. Lines, Shapes & Colors made me grow, Standing Applause for every show. Greed for Fame that's what got misted, Struggle to top here the tale got twisted. Lusted to find beauty in purest form, Find a home that keeps me warm. Desire isn't quenched by comfort, Until our Visions are conveyed. Breeze of love brings the slumber, Somehow worries gets erased.


From time that I began to recite, Started to protest against otherwise. There's always this thing, That stop me to begin. Been surrounded by wrong, Still I try to stay strong. There are these rules & reputation that assemble, Forbidding the paths that seem like my gamble. When it was success, Told to reach out for more. Now here are regrets, Talks of not trying from the core. What looks freedom has a different definition, When the dreamer and believer have different ambition. Everyone explain their version of right, Couldn't get in that it's no more 1975. Expression can be art. Passion can be careers. Talents set you apart. Workplaces have changed in years. What never ends is the greed, To have way better living then the needs. So vomiting grief is all I choose, Spilling my quarrels before I loose. I'll paint my thoughts until I can, It's the struggle I share here till then.

Love Is Love

There are three issues that I personally care about deeply. That are Mental Illness, Religion and LGBTq+ issues. And before I offend someone, I want to be clear that it's all 'My Opinion'. Anyone can give their as well unless it becomes offensive. As I was saying, this blog was even started due to utter boredom and existential crises. I always give words to the feelings and situations dealt by me. But, right here all I've openly ever talked about is of me being Bipolar. Partly because at the back of my mind I've always been scared of the labels that I consider will be put on me as soon as I'll talk about 'Gay Rights and Recognition'. Because firstly and unfortunately, most people who I know personally don't even know what LGBTq+ stands for. Then, when I explain it to them it's usually that awkward silence reaction where in the back of their mind they start thinking, "Is she so interested in such issues because she's one of them?" W...