
Showing posts from December, 2015

Another Year

As another year gets added to life, I'm over thinking about making it right. Since nights crawls up my sleeves, Lazy yet potential soul is what they believe. Misty fog still stubborn to clear, Clock ticking is the only thing I hear. People seek glory while I search happiness, An aim that shows a way to solve this mess. As the brain jumps above, Heart beats out loud. Silencing all the senses, Questioning what was it all about. Why following the old path, When you can create your own trail. Why coloring in monotone, When you can turn the picture ablaze. Pulse play rhythms, Burden numbs it out. How to stay silent? Because you're a Breakout. 

Miss You Baba

It's exactly been a month now, Until the news struck somehow. We conversed in the morning, By evening we were mourning. It's still so hard to believe, You do came home as promised in eve. But you weren't the same so wasn't I, Only seeing you like that made me cry. Nights had turned silent again, They say you got relieved from pain. As I never said it then, Since you deserved every gen. Just thanks for the love, Thanks for the paints. Thank You for the stories, And acknowledging my complaints. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm sorry if I lied. Now that you're gone, I hope you're fine and alright.

Winter Books Recommendation!

Happy Holidays Everyone! WOW! I've been gone for longer than I thought. And I genuinely have no excuse for my absence from here. I've extremely grossed myself into watching TV shows and Movies that I have always wanted to. But ended up with just a pile of books and my crappy doodles. So, back in November I told you guys 'December' be a post-filled month. And to those of you wondering it will be. Starting from today, to the New-Year's day I'm determined to post something or another on either my Blog or Youtube Channel continously. Since my last post, I just slept and read. Around July-August I bought or like added various books to my library (Online/Real whatever!) Which was when I realized that it's been a while since I recommended books. I really missed it. Hence, I decided to lead you through once again with my favourite past-time....READING. By the way I've even written a similar Book Based post, you can read it right here . So, here it is my favouri...


Shh...Behave! Make your values Display, You can't get everything that you crave. Hide your Skin; Keep your voice low, Your beauty should be radiating though. This is the way you should act, Timidity makes people attract. Females are the weaker sex, Maybe just another pleasing objects. If that's how you define a Girl, Time to punch your head in swirl. She's a Human like any other being, Not a robot to follow you agreeing. It's she who decides what she wanna wear, It's her decision to shout any-time she cares. She has got her own mind, So it's you who's acting blind. Feminism isn't always being pretty, Neither it's about labelling men shitty. Google the definition if you can, Feminist means EQUALITY with men. A society can grow only in balance, Not by forcing another side Silent. It's a Body Positive/Anti-Racist/Trans inclusive Club, That allow every open mind join the hub. So here's to the people who call us 'M...