
Showing posts from August, 2015

Artist To Watch!

Welcome to yet another blog! This time I'll be talking about my recent obsessions. Don't worry there won't be Zayn Malik related stuff. But instead this time I'll be mentioning about my favourite artists, musicians. To view another of such stuff where I mentioned my favourite books at that moment don't forget to click right here . Musicians! Michael Schulte He's a 25yr old German Singer-Songwriter. I got his track (Shown above) while scrolling through Tumblr. And usually I don't listen to the music that pops up on my Dashboard but it was a popular blog and I was searching for new music. Result not only he has got an extremely blessed voice. Even has such great lyrics and sound to uplift the track. He definitely needs more listeners. His Links : Youtube Wikipedia Soundcloud Gavin James He's a 24yr old Irish Singer-Songwriter. Even in this case I was flipping over my TV channels but since nothing good was coming I started watc...


Been almost 10 days until the last post. I know. But I'm happy you all now know the reason why. Not been a very great time of my life (As Always.) Even I failed miserably in updating the look of my blog! So apparantly I asked you guys what should be the next Topic for new blog post. Thankfully I got one reply...(Don't laugh Alright!) And my best friend asked me to write over positivity. Sounds corny to me as I'm termed one of the most negative person most of the times...But it did dwell me into a lot of thinking. So, Let's refrain Positivity in my way. It might sound a bit different to few people but I am genuinely a good-hearted person. People love to misinterpret me since I'm more on the observant side. And end up saying stupid stuff 'coz I was dwelled into my observation rather than your words...:P In short, story of my life is I fall in love with everything or anything sometimes. Sound of an infants Laughter. The light cold breeze in the morning. T...

My Farewell Speech!

2014 year that I graduated School! Been a while...I know but somehow my room cleaning bought back those crazy memories. The last two years (of School) as I've always mentioned had been the most dreadful ones. I'm still recovering from the horror of that. But somehow as our Farewell neared, I was emotional to realize that it's Finally Happening! School will soon become a place I 'Used' to go. So, before that imagination has to became Reality I wanted to express my feelings in words. I was wrong in thinking so. Hence, even after finalising my emotion filled speech (which got converted into a Management Praising Crap for the Final Event!) it got cancelled! Due to my Furious Nature I ended up throwing it away...I still wanted it to be a Memory to remember. So, I'm posting it here! A token of my Feeling for those glorious years that 'BAD' people didn't gave a platform to. Hope you like it! इस सफर की शुरआत हमनें साथ की थी, जान से प्यारे यारों के स...

Nostalgic AGAIN!

A blogger that post 60% of her work related to old times, this seems nothing new. But in my mind this thing seems totally new. Don't know the exact reason. Else than the fact that I don't feel like writing a poem at this moment. Ignoring the fact that I can make it right now. But anyways, let's just keep struck to the Topic. Frankly, typing something that's bothering me is somehow a pretty easy task for me. Weird? But yes part of me. The time when I do actually struggle is when I have to display happiness. Still sounding weird...umm...I actually can't do anything about it. Seems like a side effect of my anxiety. So, where was I yes Good Ole Days of Past. Here are few things that I extremely Miss and Relate to. The Card Collection   Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto, Vulpix name any of those first 150 pokemon's I had it. Mostly in any form you want the tazzo, the changing one (Forgot it's real name), card, puzzle. I was obsessed. Back to the time I someho...


This post is solely dedicated to YOU! Yes, I'm mentioning you the person reading this post right now. Thank you so much for sparing your precious time to read my nonsense. But believe me I'm quiet good at this. It's Friendship Day! And I couldn't have been here without you. Thanks You! So as my friendship bracelet I wanna tell you my Favourite reason why I call you Friend instead of just readers/fans! Enjoy! Witness My Struggle. Consistency and Honest Reviews. Patience. Enough Said. Our Sharing Habit. You Appreciate my Dreams. Tolerate my Mood-Swings. Inspire Me. Appreciate Difference in Opinions. My Cheerleaders. Booster. Mischief Managed! Guardian Angels. Your Pride Promotion. Co-orporation. Your Unconditional Love and Support. Thank You For Believing in ME!