
Showing posts from June, 2015

June Jubilee #VIII

Well, this post is by my Look-alike Sibling Nishtha (There'll be a lot of promotion links...don't forget to check them out!) Who came up as an utter surprise to me when she herself without my any help came up with a poem for the first time. This is not her first poem fyi but I find it one of her greatest creation. Hope you guys love reading this! जब तु साथ था मेरे पास था हर वक़्त तब कुछ ख़ास था पर अब जो तु साथ नहीं  हर लम्हा मेरे लिये ख़ास नहीं  लेकिन आज मैं यह कहती हूँ  हर पल यह दर्द मैं सहती हूँ  की मैंने क्यों यह कहा नहीं  क्यों अपना मुँह खोला नहीं  आज भी मुझे वह याद है  कुछ अरसे पुरानी यह बात है  जो भी बोला था मैंने तब  वापस लेना चाहूँ अब  खड़ी हूँ आज भी वहीँ तेरी याद में  रोती हूँ आज भी वहीँ तेरे इंतज़ार में  जानती हूँ तू न वापस लौटेगा  मेरे दर्द को कभी न समझेगा  लोग कहते है मैं बदल गई  हाँ मैं तो अब संभल गई  मेरा एक हिस्सा आज भी तेरे पास है  आख़िरकार मेरी यादें...

June Jubilee #VII (Get Sppoky!)

I know I announced it's end few weeks back. (like stupid!) But my Cousin brother found my blog intresting enough to post his work and I couldn't say no. So, This one's to the Family again. I've already posted my poem before it so go check it out! And wait until the next post consisting of my real sibling Poem waiting for you. Happy Reading! [ Warning- This post may scare or disturb you. It is not meant for the faint heart. Those who still wish to continue get ready for an eerie adventure. The world is a very bizarre place and nothing is off limits.  There are some places on this Earth that just seem to be cursed. For whatever reason, these insidious locations are infused with an almost palpable evil that pervades these landscape and creeps into people's mind. Among these forsaken habitats of menace, we found things that hide  amongst some of the world’s most gorgeous landscapes; places of coiled  evil waiting to pounce whilst shrouded in natural beauty. In thi...

My Mind Speaking!

Screaming creatures are underneath me, Struggling to tear me all out. Situations I'm so afraid to see, Shutting my mouth to scream it loud. How can I try to define it, This feeling that's boiling up inside. Since when I tried to open a bit, My words shattered in-front of my eyes. "It's normal." everybody struggles something, But why they don't admit it then? It's not normal to feel helpless within, Suffocated by these turmoil's until when? It's not always the same way though, Euphoria & Tiredness oscillate within. At the next moment I never know, Why can't I ever fit in?

Awkward Fictions?

So besides the fact that I consider myself an avid reader, a hilarious Movie critic (No claps please!) and a music connoisseur. There are still pretty much most time I'm pissed by the fact that story is going far away from reality. Especially when it comes to my favourite genre ROMANCE. In real my crush doesn't like me back, they don't even know I exist. Then how the hell can you have this stormy wind brushing your face and hair at absolutely no predicted time making you look even more irresistible? It's actually fakely generated from the freaking 8 foot big fan that the set of cinema has to intensify the look. If that wind will be blowing into my face in real life. I would be making wierd faces all the time looking stupid as hell 'coz of that dirt that's burning my eyes. Hence, I decided to list out few things that piss me off about Fictional Stories. Unrealistic Things in Fictional Stories Charming CEO May it be the most famous right now Christian Grey. ...

कुछ तो हूँ मैं

एक चाह थी एक राह थी एक सपने की दुनियां गवाह थी एक जोश था दिल मदहोश था एक ख़्वाब जब न खामोश था वह बात क्या सच में हुई है की बदलावों ने ही दुनिया रची है फिर क्यों मैंने यही सुना है सदैव मुझे लोगों में ढालना है क्या हो अगर मैं ऐसा न करना चाहूँ क्या होगा अगर मैं इन उसूलों को झुठलाऊं या फिर कही और उड़ जाऊं किसी नई जगह पर अपना घर बनाऊं लेकिन कौन जाने वहाँ हालात अलग होंगे कौन जाने वहां मुश्किलें कम होंगे एक चीख न बहार आ पाती है एक उम्मीद कहीं गुम हो जाती है एक चिंगारी भी न नज़र आती है  एक बूंद प्यार की प्यासी रह जाती है  कुछ तो हूँ मैं यह बात सुनी थी खुद को फिर ताकत मिली थी मन में फिर एक लौ जाली है समझ यह आने में भले ही देर हुई है अनूठा अनोखा असंभव फिर कुछ करना चाहूँ रंगो भरा अपना बगियारा मैं खुद सजायूं ताकत और हौसला आए न आए हिम्मत और जोश का साथ मैंने है पाए मत करो मजबूर खुद को उसूलों की बेड़ियों में जब आराम से चढ़ सकते हो सपनों की सीढ़ियों पे न मानो हार और  बस  कर के दिखाओ अब है वह मौका जब अपना भविष्य तु...

June Jubilee #VI

Hie everyone! Welcome to  last post of the day of June Jubilee ( I hope not...! ) I'm celebrating my first anniversary of blog by posting some great entries written my my Awesome Friends. Hope you guys are loving it so far. P.S. If you're new scroll down to read other entries by Samraddhi & Monika (Posted Today) followed by Neha, Deepika & Laksha's posts. Happy reading! Changes in Life, necessary? Sometimes I feel like really balancing my thoughts in the middle by this question. When you are in a perfect state of life. You think "Ah! That's it. This is what I want. I wish it stays like this forever." Except in reality, this never happens. The perfect moments, the perfect days soon passes away. Leaving behind tons of memories to cherish, smile and cry at. A child always wishes of becoming an adult. An adult always wants to relive his/her childhood. But these are some of those irreversible and necessary changes of nature, that can't be mod...

June Jubilee #V

Heya Readers! Welcome to another post in the same day! Yes The Second post in the same day! And guess what yet another post is waiting for you. Didn't catch up the last post by my most inspiring poet friend Monika scroll down to read it. And if you're more new than anybody else...scroll down more to check out my June Jubilee posts by Neha, Deepika and Laksha! Happy Reading. "Ahh! It's knocking AGAIN! There's no way you're going to sleep Tonight." Is this how your mind speaks every night. When you're hit back with a memory of that girl or guy? People often suffer from those dreams in which people they can't have accompany them? But are those people really that important? Well all I can say is Yes! We see them 'coz we can't stop thinking about them. They own an crucial part in our life. And before you know it BOOM! they become an unforgettable piece of memory. But the time do change. We all get to a stage, where what we do is loo...

June Jubilee #IV

Hello Everybody! Thank you for being patient...Today, is the last day of June Jubilee. But to make the fantastic end I am providing you with not just one but Three posts simultaneously! I'll continue posting my own stuff later on. And maybe I still have another surprise on it's way. (Zoinks! Spooky!) But as of now, if you're new here...Hurray welcome to the ending ceremony (Really?) of the June Jubilee Celebration. Don't know what I'm talking about scroll down to read amazing posts by my friends Neha, Deepika & Laksha for more information on it. Till then enjoy this new Poem! Dear where did I went Wrong? My Love for you was always strong Am I still there standing for you? Waiting for you to approach me the way you used to. How can I forget you? I started seeing me in you. I wish your feelings were true, Baby! I really loved you & still do. I wished you came back to me, I really miss you being engrossed in me. I miss your being...

June Jubliee #III

Sorry for the last two days I've been busy in few of my stuffs. But Yeah! I'm back with June Jubilee third post. If you're new here please check out my last two posts to understand what's going on. There are beautiful entries by my friends Ms. Deepika & Ms. Laksha. I'm sure you're gonna love it so scroll down & read them as well. This time it's about that feeling that's so hard to explain in words but my best Buddie Neha still gave it a try. I hope you'll relate to it & will find it amazing. Happy Reading. "A gentleman with a heart of kindness that seemed a synonym to perfection for me." In our life we come across many people, as it's always interesting to know different lives around you. But, few year back, I met somebody that changed everything I could have ever imagined. That person was introduced as a stranger, turned into a friend to most special friend. Until, we realized we are more than Just A Friend for ...

June Jubilee #II

It's back again...Yup! I'm posting on the very next day 'coz I'm really very excited. It's the day 2 of my June Jubilee Celebration. It's my new venture for completing one year on public internet blogging & youtubing stuff. For those of you who haven't read the last post please scroll down to read "Reinvent Yourself". An article dedicated to self-discovery & the process to rebuild the better you version. It's written by incredibly talented Ms. Laksha. Her other stuffs links are also embedded on that very post as well. Hope you guys are liking my this new experiment. "Thoughts makes up a personality & behaviour. We live by thinking a decision to be taken." Thoughts dwell in when we are introduced to possibilities. As nothing seems certain. Like an old person, who either have thoughts of enjoying the left life or being carefree, taking things lightly so the hard work pays off. Whereas a young person think of gettin...

June Jubilee #I

It's finally here. (Bit Late on the day since I' Lazy & Sleepy 24x7) My Blog's 1st Anniversary. Have I changed? Probably Not? Still the same person with identity crises and Laziness ruling her entire life. But I can't tell you how happy I am to finally stick to one thing and Be Productive at it. Thank You so much people for coming back each & every post (Sometimes I forced you to sorry) and spending you're time reading my utter nonsense feelings and thoughts. I couldn't believe it has been one year. Huh! I guess there'll be many more posts & I hope more people will join us, but you people will always be the most closest to my heart. Thanks a Ton for supporting me through this all. So back in April, I asked few of my friends to give an opinion about my blog. Which I thought is a very dumb idea. Hence, I told them to send me their articles, poems, stories whatever that they feel is most close to their heart. Some completely rejected the offer,...