
Showing posts from May, 2015

My Gift For You Ritu!

I don't remember that day so far, We used to talk in complete bizarre. After that we changed as you can see, 'coz I only write to those special to me. There are lots of things you dismiss, So I'm here to tell you this. Everyone somehow burn each other up, In the name of the feeling of LOVE. There are fear & insecurities everywhere, But it can never make their talent disappear. Extraordinary people are the only ones, Loaded with problems still full of fun's. It's OK to care a lot & get distant, But you need to let go the resistant. You're the galaxy with mind full of clouds, Waiting to rain storming over the crowd. Now is when to become all plucky, These messes of lines will make you Lucky. I'm proud to call you my forever since we are, A Beautiful friend & bright like Blue Star. *Since we Don't have a Picture together. Here's How I imagine you & me. Happy birthday Mac. Don't know who the...

Finding Inspiration

I wander around in the search of answers, As the question grows inside like cancer. Walking aimlessly through day & Night, Trying to find those words I can write. So I thought of turning it all around, Reach out to the feelings that made me drown. Little did I know how stupid was I, How can I feel so much by just sight in my eye? All I remember there was a Little Girl, Covered in paint still bright like a pearl. I tapped on her shoulder & asked her name, She told me You & I only have that thing same. Blimey! A moment to my surprise, It was my own little version I realized. Have you become a cop or saved the world? I smiled at her question but my thoughts whorled. I nodded disagreeing and told her Heck No! To which she asked what was my pro? No answer to it made my throat choke, Seeing me in pain made her sympathy evoke. It's never too late or early to figure out, Don...

Why I Am an Introvert?

Now-a-days I'm very frequently tagged to be someone with an Introvert nature. Frankly saying I do believe that I have bit initiation problem. (is that what it's called?) Like I don't really have the urge to introduce myself first & act all yourself in-front of a complete stranger. Which might sound a bit awkward to you since I post these blogs very publicly. But anyway I'm a complete opposite in real life, I guess. What bothers me is the fact that people judge me for being so. It's not like people don't judge you for anything or nothing you do. Since, my this nature makes people assume that I'm an anti-social attitude robot? You got it wrong! Here's the reasons why I'm Socially Awkward! I Am Deeply in Love with my Internet Connection. If I had a choice I might get married to it. It even scares me about the time when I literally had a no internet connection in my life. B'coz it literally feels like I've found Soulmate. There to l...

Stay You!

Let's talk about the Little Things. (I don't mean One Direction Song!) Form the past year I can shamelessly say that I've turned into a Tumblr addict. But I didn't find the website blog-ful enough don't know why. Maybe 'coz there's so much more you can do over there. Like the long reads, the fanfiction, the photoshopped images of you're OTP's, THE GIFS. Ignoring the fact that all I do is drool over few of my favourite celebrities gifs! Too Mesmerized to write a Caption. I literally wasn't able to write anything for 10mins after I decided to put this above gif up. Anyways, where was I yup! Little things. So, I meant to say that in our fast paced life there's barely any moment where we sit around doing nothing & still find ourselves happy. Instead we will prefer to use that time to do something productive and useful. Result, we feel extremely alone at night. Staring into the blankness of emptiness and Loneliness. Thanks to the great...

Let's Drool!

Apparently I've been gone for bit more time then I expected so, I just didn't came up with any sort of Poem or some Nostalgia related Article or stuff this time. But I promise to put more stuffs regularly.(not always possible.) Hence from now on till 20 days I'll be posting some or the other thing almost like everyday. Maybe by the title you would have guessed that this post is all about Food. Even before I was born I guess I had taken asylum into this religion. No matter what the situation is If I'm hungry there's no stoppage to my eating abilities. That's the reason for my overweight issues..:( Why can't I loose weight when I can pretty much loose everything Rubber, Books, Hope! So, I decided to make you drool with me. I mean it's summer there's no stoppage to your appetite. To the people on diet I'm sorry even I'm suppose to be on it. Hence, here it is my few of the favourite Mouthwatering favourite dishes that not bragging but not...

It's Neha's Birthday!

She might be expecting a message from me past midnight but sorry I sleep at that time unlike you buddy. So, it's your posted a hell lot of things for me on my birthday. But this post isn't a favour returned it's a piece of wishes & advises I have for you. Where to begin? Gosh! it's so hard to remember. Back to the time when we both used to have boy-cut hairs. You used to hate me I don't cared about you...then one day you the Class Clown decided to sit next to the Overrated & Lonely "Class Prefect". Then grew a friendship that might have completed more than eight years now. They say if you stay friends with someone for more than 5-6 years they remain your friends forever. Well, I guess I'm proud to call you my forever Buddy {I mean BESTIE...I know you'll correct me over there!} Like every other friendship we too have been through a lot. Bollywood Films Guessing.You trying to change my ...