By my Fangirl Soul
It has been a crazy week. Or you can say month. Since, the very begining of it my internet connection has not been working, making me mad as hell. To top it all my pc crashed. Removing all my pdfs, songs and softwares. It's literally been a roller coaster ride, besides all this crappy stuffs I won three trophies. Believe me that was a great "self-booster" reward. But the biggest news that affected me the most was the one that came merely three days ago. Which was "Zayn Malik Left One Direction." Being a fangirl I've actually seen a lot of people rise and fall everytime. Let it be Nsync, Westlife, BSB...the most cherished JONAS BROTHERS. But One Direction was something whom I supported from as long as I can remember. Those five teen boys who just have big dreams in their eyes. Yeah! You might think I'm a maniac or else just another of those crazy girl with her Favourite Boy Band obssession. Believe me "Never Underestimate a Girl's love for her ...