
Showing posts from February, 2015


It's hard for me to remember my childhood without thinking about those fascinating comics and children magazines. Since my baba, chacha and papa used to work out of town, it became a part of their habit to bring these things for me. And my habit was to torture a family member till the point they agree to read to me. Being an introvert doesn't seemed so bad. I literally had so many characters to accompany me all the time. Till now, somehow when accidentally I pick up some of that comic I know what's gonna happen next. I literally felt like whenever I'll be in trouble Shaktimaan's gonna come for my rescue. Or else Chacha Choudhary's "faster than any rocket" brain will solve the mystery. I couldn't stop planning my trip with Louie, Dewey, Huey in their Junior Woodchucks Scout Camp. I used to feel Archie's pressure whenever Betty and Veronica were around. (Even though I'm more like Jughead Jones.) Gosh! I can literally go on and on over it. ...


Before you start reading...I need to inform you people, there are whole bunch of new things added to my blog rather then just facebook-login-commenting. Checkout the "About ME" and "Playlist" tab. Also to easily find Poems & Articles seperated, there's a tab for these categories. Subscribe to my youtube channel or watch my videos easily by clicking the Youtube tab. Spread the word & use the tabs now! "Directly, or indirectly, everything we write is for someone." If you've been an avid reader, it won't be a surprise to you that I mostly post about my "School-based stuffs". Not to forget, the rage towards it especially in the last two years. But IDK why, those two years became the most memorable part of my life. And I'll dearly miss them. My friends. My Classroom. My Lunch-time Fun. The Chats-during classes. Those Maniac Dancing. Those Crazy Acting time. Those Fights. Those Opinions. That Fun. UNFORGETTABLE! ...