Everything's Alright At Home
So the very first month, of a brand new year is about to end. Can't believe time flews actually so fast. You know I'm not a resolution maker, 'coz in my world they barely last for a weekend. But I had made a promise to post more stuffs ASAP! This Time, it's something I learned. Yesterday while cleaning up my house I came across my late grandfather(maternal) book "सत्य है यह". It was a anthology of his finest creations. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to spend a lot of time with him. All I remember is the fun time I used to have at his house, while my dad was posted in his city. 'coz that was the only house of relatives where me and my sister can find toys to play. One of the first and my favorite work from his book is : "मैं जो हो सकता था या कि जैसा मुझे होना चाहिये था इससे मुझे मत तोलो। मैं जो हूँ, जैसा हूँ इसकी बात बोलो। " -महेन्द्र श्रीवास्तव Before picking up his book I was watching Glee's "The Quat...