Here's to My Dearly!
Hie again! And look I started out this journey in have bit of a time pass during my Last Summer Vacations and now things are so Changed! It's Halloween Month(the festival that always spooked me but in real I never celebrated it...:P) Almost year end...Festive & Fall time and as for usual I'm feeling ALONE! Yeah! I know you myt be thinking another "Dark Themed" poem on it's way. But who didn't thought so...CONGRATULATIONS! you just won a virtual hug from me. (Pass it on.) Actually, the thing is my only free home entertainment system aka my Lil' Sista' Nishtha aka Philanthropic Nutzz was off for her school tour. (To which I don't wanna go to details as she might be enjoying all those pretty...viewable...nice...or whatever just call them GOOD places that I wish I would see as well with my friends.) And maybe by the time you read this she must have come back as well from there...bringing in lots of gossips to irritate me forever. But...