Is This It?

via Tumblr Hey Viewers! Yeah it's been a while since I posted something. You might be thinking, the posts may not be coming back. But unlike the "thinkings", here I'm once again. The thing is I was never off from writing. The only thing I was off from was myself. The past few months I have been riding this roller coaster of incidences. Being a writer it definitely affected me & my work & as usual that's when life came to hit me hard. That's the biggest reason why I'm so afraid to be happy, because I expect so much from my own people & all they do is hit me with flood of sadness & self-doubt. As far as my poems are concerned...Yeah! they've always represented what I've been felt & always will. Because no matter what other say, I'm lovin' to be LOST! Standing right in front of an open door, But there I see a place without the floor. Why am I here? is all that I think, Dirtying my hand with the confusion ink. ...